We've had enough people badger me about the mythical magical baby "bump". Though I haven't paused long enough to get in front of the camera, the little fetus had his/her first debut about a month ago. To commemorate making it through another month of pregnancy, here's the little guy/gal at 11 weeks:

In this sonogram, (s)he is facing the camera, with his/her chin into his/her chest (so you see the top of his/her head). On the side are little arms, and his/her legs are sitting cross-legged. In this sonogram, the little one was wiggling around a TON and at one point we got to see his/her hand splayed out with all 5 fingers. Pretty breathtaking.
I just returned from another check-up where I got to hear his/her heartbeat (166 bpm). All is well according to my NP, and I'll find out the gender (hopefully) on August. 26th. For those of you just tuning in, we're due on January 18 and I am now at 15 weeks. That's all for now!
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