Devil's Backbone, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, July 2008
Ode to Blue
Oh, Blue.What shall we do?
You've been so good throughout the years
that selling you will bring us tears.
At what point do we pull the plug
and send you off with a final hug?
Viewer poll:
1. Blue will fetch us about $2,00 when we sell her.
2. We put nearly $2,500 into her in the last three months.
3. She needs $720 in maintenance, insurance, new plates, etc.
4. She is a 1990 Toyota 4Runner with 180,000 miles.
Do we...
A. Keep Blue. Put in $720 to keep her running for 6 more months until something else breaks. Pro: we have a car. Con: it may break and we are concerned about baby Waggoner in an oldie (but goodie).
B. Sell Blue now. There are no major repairs, only the minor maintenance items that will total $250 (change power steering fluid, etc.).
C. Sell Blue later. We pay $720 now to get her going, and then when she dies, we make a decision to sell her "as is".
Our guilty admission is that we are totally attached to this car. If I had my druthers, we'd keep it just because we like it so much and buy a new car. Truth of the matter, we can't afford a new car. We'd just join Zip Car or suffer quietly without Blue. Our car vision is foggy with emotion. Uggh.
In other news, Andy has gotten rid of nearly all the bricks. They have found new homes in places as predictable as a retaining wall, and as California as a Burning Man display. Yay Burners!
If you have an opinion, we'd love to hear it.