We're moving forward with one lucky contractor (our first meeting is on Monday), and Andy has gotten rid of most of the bricks. How? With the magic of Craigslist, of course!
We had lot's of bricks in the basement. You can imagine - he took down the entire chimney. Andy had called the Got Junk folks who had quoted him $1,900 to haul away the pile of bricks. We were aghast at that price. So, while we were scheming other ways to get around that hunk of money, Andy brilliantly posted on Craigslist "FREE BRICKS! The bricks are red, old...and did I mention they're FREE?!?!?" Within 10 minutes, no joke, 10 MINUTES, some guy calls Andy and not only wants all the bricks, but offers to pay us $.10 per brick. Really? Did the mention of FREE BRICKS not mean anything to him? Well, being the entrepreneurial duo we are, we accepted his offer and moved forward with the deal. So, instead of paying $1,900 to get them hauled, we were payed $80 for the bricks. Awesome! Of course there is more to take to the dump...rubbble, concrete, linoleum, etc. But we are better off than we started.

I went to the Heath Ceramics factory today in Sausalito with the lovely Melanie and drooled over their showroom. Then, I crawled in the back and gawked at the overstock tile room - realizing we may just be able to afford them after all. We'll see if we can...the budget is getting tight and I am still hung up on that Barberini wallpaper.

More fun news in the personal realm...we went to get another ultrasound yesterday and found out that we're having...drumroll please...a baby girl! All those who plac
ed bets in the boy camp are out of luck (all two of you, that is). Since everyone under the sun (and I mean EVERYONE) sensed that we were going to have a girl, it makes me wonder what indicators lead everyone to be right? What is it about us that screams "these two would be great at playing with My Little Pony and picking out training bras?" Just a question.
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