We've been neglectful. It's been a while. Our deepest apologies. In return, we offer our delightful readers a two-parter. I'll post a bunch of "before" pics here, and then you'll see our miraculous transformation. Okay, miraculous might be an exaggeration, but we've made some big changes this week and we're excited to share them with you.

To kick off the recent growth spurt, we had to take a little break. Remember, we're not taking weekends, so a forced day-of-rest is a really good thing. This is a pick of Dyna, Pili, and Andy on the dunes at Fort Funston. Beautiful!

Okay, back to the house. Andy has labored over the bathroom for waaaaay longer than any of us thought was necessary. There were many unforeseen issues and mishaps . The floor wasn't level, the leveling compound leaked through to the basement, the backer board was much thicker than expected, blah blah blah, it took a long time. Anyhow, this is a preview to the tile on the floor with a decorative border (the same decorative tile will border the shower surround that will use white subway tile). We were waiting for the plumber to finish his dirty work before Andy could finish up, and voila! the plumber came and went...

Since plumbing isn't that interesting, let's just cut to the most dramatic part. This is a picture of the area in the basement where the plumbers discovered that one of the two sewer laterals was congested with gravel and chunks of concrete. Upon purchase of the house we were assured that the line was clear. We weren't, however, told that there were two sewer lateral lines, and that the second wasn't clear. Since the concrete pad was already opened up, we decided to fix it. Now we will sleep well, knowing that our sewer laterals truly are clear! clear! clear!
The following pics are to illustrate the "before". The mudders came in today and patched up all the holes! The drywall went up and they'll spray primer everywhere to get us ready for painting. You'll see in part two. But for now, here's a preview...

The walls in the dining room, ready to be patched. The white boards are the background for the new wainscoting that will match the wainscoting on the left.

You may remember the bizarre wall that held up this part of the house and contributed to a funny layout. Poof! No longer. Andy and Dan worked hard to put this header in to the entry way. Because the walls were built before standard 2x4's were in use, the studs were only 2 5/8 inches wide. Therefore, we couldn't use a standard 4 inch wide header or the entry wall would not have matched the adjoining walls. After talking to a few carpenters and our engineer we finally arrived at a remedy that required minimal demolition and was adequate for the weight that the header will carry. Little did we know, but you can actually order a board that is 3 inches wide, so we went with a 3x8 after our engineer went through some calculations.

Finally, this is a pic of the west wall of the kitchen and the backside of the new entry between the dining room and kitchen. Remember when there was a fireplace there? Yeah, that's right. Well, observe Kimber's beautiful electrical holes now because it's the last time you'll see them...

Here's a last look at our friend Dennis (left of Andy). We call the ancient and very fire-happy floor furnace "Dennis". Why? Well, look closely and you'll see that someone spray painted "Dennis" on the side of it. Who are we to argue? In this pic you can see the rest of the basement as it stood this morning - the base of the fireplace is there, there are no posts into the supporting beam, and all our stuff is in there. This, too, will change.

And, to end this post on a fun note, here's a pic of Pili wearing her new pumpkin Halloween costume. She is THE CUTEST little pumpkin ever. I die.
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