Phew! The last traces of that silly chimney have all but disappeared. Andy has hit up Craigslist many-a-time and given away nearly all of the bricks and flues. Andy and Dan patched the hole in the main floor thus sealing off the basement, and they replaced the joists in the ceiling. The only thing left is patching the hole in the roof (and the drywall, mudding, painting, etc.). Here are some pics to show what they did today.

Dan and Andy putting in floorboards where the fireplace used to be.
The very spot where we had a wall and a chimney! Now you can see clearly into the kitchen. When it's complete, we'll have a wall on the left side (opposite the built-in, which is on the right).
While these guys were putting it all together, Kimber and I put together our electrical plan. Although we've been making decisions about our house for months, somehow putting together the electrical plan really brought it home - this is our house. We get to say. We get to say whether or not we want a pendant light, a can light, or track lighting. We get to say where it goes, and how bright. Our choices for all these little things are just reminders that yes, at some point, we'll actually live in this house and get to enjoy all the hard work and forethought that went into the details. I really can't wait for that to happen.
Pili and I went on a walk and, lo and behold, around the corner from our house one of our neighbors was hosting a grey water open house to demonstrate all the different ways to conserve and re-purpose water. I was pretty impressed by a washing machine and bathroom set-up that looked something like this:

Wouldn't this be amazing?
Amazing, yes! Awesomely green! You guys thinking about doing it? That would be super duper cool!