We got the permit for the structural work on the house! Yeah!
Bravo, Mr. Waggoner, for your deft skills at navigating the nightmare of the permitting department. If we could both drink, we'd toast to permits tonight.
Back to Labor Day weekend. Adam, Eliza, and Alice joined us for a loverly weekend up at the Tahoe house. Here's a brief synopsis:
1. A slow float down the frigid Truckee River in inappropriately-sized, and poorly inflated, flotation devices. Adam was forced to make the journey lying completely supine the entire route so as to not disturb the blow-up kayak, and Andy chose to wear a life jacket (note: there were multiple families on the river that day, not-a-one person - even toddlers - was wearing a life jacket). Eliza was dumped once, and got a taste of what glacial snowmelt feels like in September. Average river depth = 2 feet. Perfect.
2. Two late afternoon trips to the magnificent Donner Lake. The scene was very summer camp. We were mocked by a stranger for reading on the beach (what else were we supposed to do? and since when do adults mock adults for reading?). It was the ultimate in re-la-xation.
3. Taking the dogs on a hike past Castle Rock. They returned several shades dustier than when we started. Eliza nearly lost an eye when scrambling around under a dead tree, and Jessica wept uncontrollably at the mere mention of the word "death" in an off-hand and harmless comment by her clearly not-pregnant husband. It was a beautiful hike.
Hopefully Adam will post some pictures soon so that I can add them to the blog.
The week ahead is exciting. We anticipate a final quote from our contractor, final drawings from our talented architect (thanks, Kevin!), and welcoming the new year with family and friends. L'shana tova, everyone!
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