Monday, September 20, 2010

We No Speak Americano

We understand that many of you have been experiencing some confusion as to what Andy and Jessica are doing these days. Some of you are under the impression that we are very busy people. Those people would be correct. Some of you wonder how we can be so busy if we aren't yet parents, don't yet have a (finished) home to tend to, and are living the good life in tony Walnut Creek. What would we be doing with ourselves day in and day out? In an effort to clear up any confusion, Andy and Jessica have created a video to clear up any of the confusion.


  1. hahahahha!!! love it!! very entertaining, and also quite descriptive of your unique situation. :)

  2. this is so great! I wish I knew sign language, but I think I got the message. hehe.

  3. very nice!! i totally understand what ya'll do day in and day out now... living a comical life with a straight face?
